YOU ARE NOT ALONE in your struggle to MAKE PEACE with
and your body.
This is a systemic issue.
A cultural issue.
Our society is mired in diet culture: beliefs about food and your body that keep you stuck obsessing about what you eat and preoccupied with your weight, size, and shape - instead of being free to focus on what matters most to you. It robs you of your power. Your purpose. And your pleasure.
Diet culture keeps you from trusting yourself. From nourishing yourself. From living a purposeful, pleasure-filled life.
You are worthy of trust in your body. You are worthy of peace around food. You are worthy of a full, rich life.

RECONNECT to your wisdom and learn HOW TO EAT intuitively.
If you’re looking to improve your relationship with food, exercise, your body image, begin your intuitive eating journey, recover from an eating disorder, or live well with diabetes or PCOS—I'll be your companion and guide. Together, we’ll uncover your own wisdom about your body and your being. You can experience a peaceful relationship with eating, movement, and your body.
Practice gentle nutrition in way that feels nourishing, not depriving
Know what movement feels right for you and how much
Understand and strengthen your emotional coping tools
Rediscover satisfaction and pleasure from food
Give yourself unconditional permission to eat
Ditch the good foods vs. bad foods mentality
Get in touch with your hunger and fullness
Trust what feels right for and in your body
Recognize and reject diet culture
Are you struggling to make peace with food and exercise, heal your relationship with your body, or stop dieting for good? Maybe you have an eating disorder, diabetes or PCOS and life without dieting seems unthinkable for you. I'd love to help you along your path toward more freedom and joy. I'll help you tune into your body's wisdom - sensations, needs, thoughts, and emotions - to gain peace and pleasure around food, your body, and in your life.
Our first session is a 75 minute deep-dive into your behaviors around food and exercise. We start to figure out where your beliefs around food, exercise, and your body came from. We look at what a typical day looks like for you. We then explore what it is you feel is important to work on between now and your next session.
Follow-up sessions explore how implementing changes in beliefs, thoughts and behaviors felt for you, what worked well for you, and what you struggled with. When appropriate we might do an activity together in session. Sometimes activities, including a food and feelings journal app, are offered for you to do outside of session, if desired, as your autonomy, time, and pace is always respected. Ways to support your journey outside of session are also provided in the form of recommendations for books, podcasts, websites, social media to follow, and more.
Outside of sessions, when appropriate, I collaborate with other practitioners on your food and body image healing team, like your therapist, medical provider, etc., with your consent. When working with parents/caregivers or significant others, this is usually either a part of your session or as a separate session.
I also encourage clients to connect with me between sessions via text or email to park a difficult situation with me to discuss at our next session or to chat about quick questions and issues.
Maybe you want to learn more about intuitive eating before diving into one-on-one sessions.Maybe you feel comfortable learning in a group setting.
Whatever your reason might be, join a group to start to learn how to break free from yo-yo dieting, stop feeling guilty about what you eat, and end emotional eating. Start to make peace with food and heal your body image. Feed your appetite for life.
Learn about the principles of intuitive eating in a small, intimate group setting.
Each week, during the 90 minutes, you will be introduced to one or two principles. You will be given activities to do individually and then will be discussed as a group, but know that you will never be pressed to divulge anything you do not want to. Any questions that came up since the last session will be addressed at the beginning of the session.And, by joining the group you have access to a forum where group participants can ask questions and support each other between sessions.
Depending on participants’ desires and where they live, these will be held at my office or virtually. These are held on a weeknight evening (Mon, Wed, or Thurs) although Saturdays are an option, again dependent on what works best for group participants.
Contact me to request to join a group.